A Cultura na Primeira Página

/A Cultura na Primeira Página
A Cultura na Primeira Página2012-01-27T15:39:22+00:00

Refª PTDC/CCI-COM/122309/2010

Título do Projeto: A Cultura na Primeira Página – um estudo dos jornais portugueses na primeira década do Séx XXI (2000-2010)
Investigadora Responsável:: Carla Baptista
Projeto com financiamento: FCT
Site do projetohttp://culturaprimeirapagina.fcsh.unl.pt/

O projeto visa proceder a um levantamento dos acontecimentos culturais destacados na primeira página dos principais jornais portugueses, cobrindo a primeira década do século XXI. Paralelamente, será realizado um estudo em profundidade de cada uma das publicações analisadas, om recurso a metodologias qualitativas, tendo em vista caracterizar as transformações ocorridas do ponto de vista da cobertura jornalistica da area cultural.

Avaliação Final

"A – Relatório Final APROVADO"
"Os objectivos científicos previstos foram plenamente atingidos. Os resultados evidenciam grande qualidade científica, nomeadamente ao nível das publicações em revistas internacionais com referee. O projecto contribuiu para a formação de jovens investigadores e para a projecção internacional da equipa envolvida."

"1. Scientific objectives
The main objective of this project was to study the impact of the changes in media ecology, particularly in print newspapers, upon the cultural journalism, during the period from 2000 to 2010. To do that, researchers used several methodologies: a content analysis of the front pages and the articles of five selected print newspapers (Público, Diário de Notícias, Jornal de Notícias, Correio da Manhã, Expresso) and one print newsmagazine (Visão) with mentions to cultural themes; interviews with cultural editors, journalists, critics and specialized collaborators of the aforementioned newspapers and news magazine; research in the archives of each medium. There was some little deviations in regard to the initial methodological design: there was no occasion to use participant observation, and the interviews were 14 instead of 20. However, the data collected through the methodologies that were used were much more and richer than initially expected. This led the researchers to concentrate in the comparison between 2000 and 2010, being the intermediate years studied by systematic sampling.
The data provided by the researchers, both in the reports and the website of the project (http://culturaprimeirapagina.fcsh.unl.pt/) allow us to conclude that the scientific objectives of the project were fully achieved, giving a very important contribute to the study of cultural journalism, a field largely understudied in Portugal.

2. Results
As we can see next, the effective results of the project largely overpassed the expected ones in the generality of the fields (we indicate first the expected results): Publications: Books – 1 – 2 (+1); Papers in international journals – 3 – 4 (+1); Papers in national journals – 8 – 13 (+5); Communications: Communications in international meetings – 12 – 21 (+9); Communications in national meetings – 12 – 20 (+8); Reports – 2 – 2 (0); Organization of seminars and conferences – 1 – 2 (+1).
We must also highlight the aforementioned website of the project, which presents the following sections (we translate from Portuguese): Project, Publications, Conferences, Links, and Final Conference. The section Project includes Presentation, Objectives, Methodologies, Concepts/Glossary (the main terms used by researchers), Newspapers/Supplements (characterization of the corpus), and Results/Conclusions, including a lot of texts and statistical data gathered by the project.

3. Training of young researchers and international development of the team
In regard to advanced training, the master dissertation of one of the members of the project was dedicated to the theme of the project, and she is now a PhD student in Digital Media through UT Austin/Portugal Program. The project integrated also some fellows holding master and graduation degrees. In regard to internationalization, there are evidences that it was achieved mainly through the publication of some papers in international journals (4), and a large number of communications in international meetings (21).