CfP: Cuestiones de Género Journa No. 11

/CfP: Cuestiones de Género Journa No. 11
CfP: Cuestiones de Género Journa No. 112016-02-20T16:07:11+00:00

We would like to inform you that our journal is seeking submissions (unpublished and original texts) for its no. 11, about *“Gender and Political Discourse”*, which will be coordinated by*Dr. Luciana Panke*.

Submissions for the next edition are welcome for all, and can be sent through our web page, by *registering <>*  yourself as an author (“Autor/a”, in Spanish) and attaching your paper at the same time. All people already registered in our web page can send their papers from their registered profiles.

We remind you that we also have the section “open forum”, which allows submissions with a different subject from the main theme of the journal, and a section for submissions of book reviews.
The deadline for the next edition is February 29, 2016. We thank you all for your contributions.

Additionally, we provide you the link for the last edition of /Cuestiones de Género: de la igualdad y la diferencia/ /Journal <>/,  whose title was “Constitutional challenges in matters of gender”, coordinated by Dr. María Esther Seijas Villadangos.

/Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia/ is an academic journal with open access and annual publication created by initiative of the University of León Interdisciplinary Seminar for the Study of Women (In Spanish: /Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres de la Universidad de León/). It is open to all investigation works carried out on the feminist studies area with the aim of consolidate an academic and interdisciplinary space of inquiry, encounter and debate on gender matters. It welcomes unpublished submissions in any of the official languages of the European Union.

The Journal is indexed by the following databases: Latindex <>,DICE<>, ISOC-CSIC <;jsessionid=C51206DD1DEB5B03A629B7BF4C7AFC50?id=3267&bd=ISOC&tabla=revi>, 
Dialnet <>, MIAR
<>, CIRC
<>, RESH
y Google Scholar