Seattle 2014 ICA Annual Conference 22-26 May 2014 Communication and “the Good Life” 22-26 May 2014

/Seattle 2014 ICA Annual Conference 22-26 May 2014 Communication and “the Good Life” 22-26 May 2014
Seattle 2014 ICA Annual Conference 22-26 May 2014 Communication and “the Good Life” 22-26 May 20142014-02-21T00:00:00+00:00

All submissions must be completed online no later than 23:00 EST, 4 November 2013. To avoid technical problems, early submission is strongly encouraged. The conference submission website will go online on 3 September 2013. Each conference participant must use one and only one e-mail address for all submissions. Only one profile should be used to submit all papers, panels, or multiple submissions. Creating multiple accounts causes serious problems and risks losing submissions.

Submissions will be assigned one of two formats: paper session or poster session. All preconference ideas and proposals must be submitted to the conference program chair (Peter Vorderer, by 3 September 2013.
Theme-based submissions must be cross-divisional; that is, they must span the interests and purview of more than one ICA division or interest group. In keeping with ICA tradition, an edited volume focusing on the conference theme will be published. This volume will draw from presentations in divisions, interest groups, and theme sessions.
