Critical Studies in Media Communication

/Critical Studies in Media Communication
Critical Studies in Media Communication2013-07-25T13:26:04+00:00

CSMC publishes scholarship in media and mass communication written from a Cultural Studies and critical perspective. Research articles selected for publication make a substantial contribution to existing literature in media studies, provide novel theoretical insights that have the potential to stimulate further research, and serve as foundational contributions for debates within and beyond the field of communication. While each essay is well researched, primary emphasis is on the theoretical contribution the essay makes through the development of concepts, terms, and ideas that move the field in new and exciting directions.

CSMC defines media inclusively to embrace newspapers, magazines, books and other forms of print, as well as cable, radio, television, film, the internet, and other media technologies. CSMC publishes scholarship about media audiences, representations, institutions, technologies, regulation, and professional practices. It includes work in history; political economy; critical philosophy; race, feminist and queer theory; rhetorical and media criticism; and literary theory. The journal particularly welcomes transnational and cross-cultural approaches to media scholarship.

CSMC invites reviews of newly-published books and projects in critical media scholarship. The journal also welcomes nominations for translations of major works in media and communication scholarship written in languages other than English: please contact the co-editors directly if you would like to nominate and write an introductory piece for such a work. All manuscripts should be analytical and interpretive (i.e., not merely descriptive) and should make an important, substantive contribution to existing or emerging bodies of knowledge.

How to Submit

All manuscripts must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition, 2010) and should not exceed 7,000 words including references, notes, figures, and tables. Shorter pieces will be considered. Essays significantly longer than 7,000 words may be returned. All submissions should be made online at Critical Studies in Media Communication’s ScholarOne Manuscripts site. New users should first create an account. Once a user is logged onto the site, submissions should be made via the Author Center.