El presente en el pasado: nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al arte islámico medieval
4 April, 2017 > 20:30 - 22:00
| FreeIn the frame of the medieval Mediterranean, Al-Andalus, this evocative Islamic territory of the Iberian Peninsula, occupies an essential place. Today more than ever, this scenario must be known and understood. But, how can this complex reality, so far in time, be approached?
During this lecture included in the framework of the Seminar Les colloques des résidents du Colegio de España and aimed at a wider audience, we will make a journey for one of its most outstanding aspects: the art developed by the Western Islamic societies at the end of the Middle Ages. Throughout this phenomenon, we will analyse the artistic relations and exchanges in the Mediterranean framework between 12th and 15th centuries, thanks to the new possibilities of analysis offered by the application of new technologies to the research in Art History.