Some Room Changes:
For those attending NCMM2023 conference in-person at the university in Lisbon, we inform you that some rooms were changed, so please see the corrections (in red) HERE;
Zoom sessions did not change.
Sorry for the inconvenience. 

Conference time zone: GMT+1:00 (Lisbon)


To access to the conference Booklet you can scan de QR code above or download it here

YouTube channels.

For the sessions on Rooms CAN 223 and CAN 217:

For the sessions on Room CAN 219:

Wednesday, 3 May



Opening session: Room CAN 223

Conference Opening
Isabel Pires

Institutional Presentation
Luisa Cymbron Executive Director of the Centre for the Study of Sociology and Aesthetics of Music (CESEM) and representative of the Musical Sciences Department.
Rui Pedro Julião — Vice-Dean for Innovation, Value Creation and Campus Development as representative of the NOVA School for Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH)
Cristina Brito — Assistant Vice-Dean for Research and Strategic Planning of the NOVA School for Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH)

keynote speech session: Room CAN 223
Moderated by: Isabel Pires

Mark Reybrouck
Music listening as exploratory behaviour. Conceptual issues and underlying mechanisms

Coffee Break

Panel 1: Room CAN 223

Moderated by: Riccardo Wanke

Paal Fagerheim
Listening to the Beat in Silence: Investigations Into Silent Disco and Individual Listening In Collective Events

Piotr Kędziora
Why do we need, if we need it at all, the concept of ambient listening?


Parallel Sessions

Panel 2: Room CAN 217

Moderated by:

Teresinha Prada and Danilo Rossetti
Intertextuality Networks for a New Composition: Articulations, Interrelationships, and Emergences through Listening

Caroline Wilkins
A Surge of (Un)-Intentional Sound: On Eavesdroppng

Azadeh Nilchiani
The practice of listening to the city in Max Neuhaus’s approach

Mélissa Mathieu
When museums increase listening: sound creation in the service of transmission

Panel 3: Room CAN 219

Moderated by: João Dias Fernandes

Ricardo Thomasi and Silvio Ferraz
Inhabiting traces: creative insights from experiments with artificial ecosystems

Jorge Sousa and Henrique Portovedo
‘Post-digital’ in contemporary music for saxophone, electronics and video

Henrique Portovedo
SCAMP Singularity 3A: Algorithmic Computer-Assisted Music as means of Multidimensional Performance and Creation

Stefano Catena
A functional approach to spatial musical analysis

Coffee Break

Panel 4: Room CAN 217

Moderated by: João Pedro Cachopo

Nicol Oddo
Rigoletto by Damiano Michieletto: a case study to understand the complex horizon of contemporary opera staging

Sara Pinheiro
Foley Gesture

Nicola Bizzo
The music of Queen: dynamic soundtracks and a new audiovisual relationship

Panel 5: Room CAN 219

Moderated by: Paula Gomes Ribeiro

Silvio Ferraz
Some remarks on musical energy: analytical approach from Iannis Xenakis’ ST/4-1, 02061962

Leon Steidle
The modulation of perceptual states in Helmut Lachenmann’s music



Happening: Fencing Room
György Ligeti’s centenary: Quasi a Symphonic poem (for 100 metronomes)

Thursday, 4 May


Panel 6: Room CAN 217

Moderated by: Riccardo Wanke

David Friedrich
Beyond Acoustics: The Impact of Cochlear Implants on Sound Perception

Julian Johnson
Musique, que me veux-tu? The challenge of music listening

Gustavo Penha
Solfege, becoming-voice and ear-voice machine in the analytic listening

Coffee Break

Parallel Sessions

Panel 7: Room CAN 217

Moderated by: Makis Solomos

Louisa Martin-Chevalier
The Various forms of Politization of Contemporary Ukrainian Musical Creation

Rita Santos
The collective consciousness, sound art, and festivals- an avant-garde insight

Maria Inês Pires
Connections between music programs, concert’s spaces and audiences on Drumming Grupo de Percussão activities

Marin Escande
Exploring the Japanese music scene of the 1960s from the perspectve of kankyō geijutsu (environment art)

Panel 8: Room CAN 219

Moderated by: Filipa Magalhães

Ângela da Ponte and Dimitris Andrikopoulos
Looking Back – Stepping Forward, Creation through the Spectrum of Tradition

Philippe Trovão and Henrique Portovedo
Recovery of analogue devices for live electronics: Case studies in recasting Korg SE500

Renata Kambarova
Approaching Nola, Shashmaqom, and Western contemporary art music through intercultural exchange and artistic research

Luís Neto da Costa and Henrique Portovedo
Orgias do agora’s multiphonics: meaning and notation



Panel 9: Room CAN 219

Moderated by: Filipa Magalhães

Monika Karwaszewska and Beata Oryl
The Metaphorical Sense of Artistic Discourse and its Inphrastic Narrative

Niki Zohdi
Proximities and collisions: the compositional process of occulta scientia siderum

João Coimbra, Henrique Portovedo and Sara Carvalho
A Gestural Interface for Real-Time Composition: concepts and implementation

Coffee Break

Round Table 1: Room CAN 217

Moderated by: Makis Solomos

Christine Esclapez, Silvio Ferraz, Azadeh Nilchiani & Riccardo Wanke
Round Table: Exploring the ecologies of music and sound. (Re)politising musical listening


György Ligeti’s centenary

Social Diner

Friday, 5 May


Panel 10: Room CAN 217
Moderated by: Filipa Magalhães

Joevan de Mattos Caitano
International Summer Courses for New Music in Darmstadt from the perspective of Brazilian composers, instrumentalists, musicologists, and conductors in the 21st century.

Nicholas Freer
Points of transition in John Coltrane’s harmonic practice 1957-1960; Decoupling and repurposing telos in jazz harmonic organisation.

Roberto Oliveira-Ogando
Enrique X. Macías Collection: processes and results of the digitization of magnetic tape

Coffee Break

Parallel Sessions

Panel 11:Room CAN 217
Moderated by: Azadeh Nilchiani

João Ricardo
Music composition and data sonification practices in the creation of synthetic soundscapes

Gonçalo Gato
Composition: let’s talk about listening, again

Nariá Ribeiro
Non beat-based rhythms in Xenakis’ string quartet Tetras

Cláudio Pina
The acousmatic gesture in contemporary organ music

Panel 12:Room CAN 219
Moderated by:  Nuno Fonseca

Carlos Villar-Taboada
Rodolfo Halffter’s Capricho, op. 40 (1978), for solo violin: topics and twelve-tone technique

Kenrick Ho
Flou: A Co-compositional Attempt at Algorithmic Embodiment

Paula Gomes Ribeiro and André Malhado
(Un)listening to music: rethinking musical values in the age of the algorithms



Round Table 2: Room CAN 217
Moderated by: Isabel Pires and Louisa Martin-Chevalier

Christine Esclapez, Luis Velasco-Pufleau, João Dias Fernandes, Makis Solomos, Rosalía Martínez
A Debate on Musicology, Mobilization, and the Archives in the Context of Filigrane Journal

Coffee Break

Keynote Speaker: Room CAN 217
Moderated by: Isabel Pires

Roger Cochini
Interactive Listening and Musical Creation


Conference closing

Announcement of main subject to the 4rd NCMM edition to take place in May 2025