NOVA Contemporary Music Journal, Volume 2.

International Conference Proceedings



What does composing music mean today? What is the role of the composer in today’s musical world? Can we continue to talk about “composing music” in every situation of musical creation? Or should we consider recourse to other expressions? What is the composition process in the case of museum exhibitions, or installations? Can a sound artist be considered a composer of music? Is the creation of sound art a form of musical composition? Furthermore, can real-time coding or free improvisation be considered forms of instantaneous musical composition? In a world where technological means make musical creation accessible to all, what is the role of the “traditional composer”?

Music is today more diverse than ever before. The range of genres, practices, techniques and technologies, forms of dissemination and reception have changed the way in which music is composed. Music is now almost omnipresent in our society spanning concert halls, museums, digital media, as well as public and private spaces. For each of these listening situations, someone conceives and composes the music, creating the sound and organizing the musical discourse through means of a diversity of approaches, knowledge and technologies. All of these means are crucial given their influences over the final outputs.

Volume title: Composing Music Today
Journal Title: Nova Contemporary Music Journal
Volume number: 2
Publication date: 2022
Publisher: Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical(CESEM), 
Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
ISSN 2795-4803

Editorial board: 
Isabel Pires, CESEM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Main coordinator) - 
ORCID; CienciaVitae
Filipa Magalhães, CESEM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - ORCID; 
Riccardo Wanke, CESEM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - ORCID; CienciaVitae

Quote as: Pires, I., Magalhães, F., & Wanke, R. (Eds.). (2022). 
Composing Music Today; Nova Contemporary Music Journal (Vol. 2). 
Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical, Lisbon. 
ISSN 2795-4803. DOI:  

This publication was supported by CESEM – Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical da NOVA FCSH, funded by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., within the scope of projects UID/EAT/00693/2013; UID/EAT/00693/2019 and UIDB/00693/2020.

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